1. 基于灌注指数比率评估区域神经阻滞效果的应用探索
2. 线粒体自噬抑制中枢炎症反应减轻PND的机制研究
3. 基于自噬-炎症小体通路研究右美托咪定减轻术后认知功能障碍的机制
1. Zhou H, Zhou D, Lu J, et al, Effects of pre–cardiopulmonary bypass administration of dexmedetomidine on cardiac injuries and the inflammatory response in valve replacement surgery. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2019. 74(2):91-97.第一作者.
2. Kang S, Lu J, Zhou H. Anesthetic strategy for obese patients during gastroscopy: deep sedation or conscious sedation? A prospective randomized controlled trial. J Anesth. 2021.5(1):144-149.通讯作者
3. Zhang S, Liu C, Sun J, et al. Bridging the Gap: Investigating the Link between Inflammasomes and Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction. Aging Dis. 2023.14(6):1981-2002.通讯作者
4. Hu L, Shen Z, Pei D, et al. Ultrasound-Guided Modified Thoracolumbar Fascial Plane Block in Tianji Robot-Assisted Lumbar Internal Fixation: A Prospective, Randomized, and Non-Inferiority Study. J Pain Res.2023.18(16):543-552.通讯作者.
5. Yan W, Zhang Y, Hu L, et al. Febuxostat Inhibits MPP+-Induced Inflammatory Response Through Inhibiting the JNK/NF-κB Pathway in Astrocytes.Neurotoxicity Research. Neurotox Res. 2021.39(2)1-9. 通讯作者
6. Zhou H, Lin X, Ni Y, et al. pre-cardiopulmonary bypass administration of dexmedetomidine decreases cardiac troponin I level following cardiac surgery with sevoflurane postconditioning. J Int Med Res.2019.24(30):1-13.第一作者
7. Zhou H, Wang J, Zhu Z, et al. A New Perspective on Stroke Research: Unraveling the Role of Brain Oxygen Dynamics in Stroke Pathophysiology. Aging Dis. 2024.16(4).第一作者
8. Lu J, Zong Y, Zhou H, et al. Anesthesia/surgery-induced learning and memory dysfunction by inhibiting mitophagy-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome inactivation in aged mice. Experimental Brain Research. 2023.242:417-427.通讯作者
9. Sun J, Peng Q, Zhou H, et al. Severe hypoxemia after extubation secondary to myxedema coma:
a case report. J Int Med Res.2023.51(9)1-8.通讯作者
1. 2023年度嘉兴市研究型医院学会研究创新奖二等奖
2. 中国医师协会第一届“渐入佳静”无痛诊疗麻醉方案优化病例演讲比赛第三名
3. 浙江省中西结合学会“先进个人”
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